Family of Brands

Eruptr is an industry leader in healthcare digital marketing, offering a suite of digital marketing solutions to help hospitals increase awareness, patient acquisition and achieve KPI’s. Eruptr maintains direct customer relationships with blue-chip health systems including Johns Hopkins, UNC Healthcare, Methodist, and Inova Health System and serves a client base of over 70 systems representing over 200 hospitals. Eruptr runs over 1,000 high-impact digital marketing campaigns per month designed to target patients at the moment of intent when they are seeking treatment / appointments. For more information, please visit the Eruptr website at

Founded in 2000 in Minneapolis, Medicom Health is a technology company dedicated to empowering health engagement by delivering world-class digital solutions. The HRA business has been the core offering of Medicom Health since its founding in 2000 and industry leading hospitals and health systems, and millions of patients use their tools and technologies every year. For more information, please visit the Medicom Health website at

HealthAware provides health risk assessment and patient engagement solutions to aid consumer awareness of disease risk and persuade the appropriate and necessary health care provider interaction. HealthAware is currently used by 100+ hospital systems across the U.S. and has a track record of using innovative technology solutions to allow their clients to promote widespread good health, elevate their brands, and improve market share and profitability.

Patient Consent to Communication of Personal Health Information (PHI) through Standard SMS/Text Message and/or Email

Welcome! Your healthcare provider has partnered with HealthAware to help guide you through your care plan.

Who is HealthAware?
HealthAware provides health support programs (HSPs) delivered via standard SMS/text message and/or email. Your HSP is under the direction of your healthcare provider and is designed to support you in your health journey by providing education information related to:

  • Your health support program
  • Behavioral prompts/check-ins
  • Assessments/progress reports
  • Appointment reminders
  • Other health related messages or programs pertaining to my health support program

These HealthAware programs are for educational purposes only. They cannot provide, and are not intended as a substitute for medical care. The programs are automated, and therefore not actively monitored. In the event that medical care is needed, please call your healthcare provider or 911.

Why do I need to accept this patient consent?
HealthAware uses standard SMS/text messages and email messages that are not encrypted to communicate information with you about your HSP. Consequently, there is a risk that an unauthorized third party could view the information being transmitted.

To whom does HealthAware disclose my PHI (Personal Health Information)?
HealthAware only discloses PHI to you and your healthcare provider. HealthAware does not disclose PHI to any other party, such as marketing or sales organizations.

By clicking “accept” on a web page, clicking a link that is clearly labeled as a means of indicating consent, or replying “yes” to my consent prompt via text message, I agree to the following:

I hereby consent and state my preference for HealthAware to communicate with me via SMS/text message and/or email regarding various aspects of my health support program (HSP), which may include my PHI, behavioral prompts/check-ins, assessments and progress reports, appointment reminders, and other health related messages or programs pertaining to my health support program.

I understand that standard SMS/text messaging and email are not confidential methods of communication and may be insecure. I further understand that, because of this, there is a risk that standard SMS/text messaging and email regarding my medical care might be intercepted and read by a third party.

I may revoke this consent in writing except to the extent that HealthAware and/or my healthcare provider has already made disclosures in reliance upon my prior consent. If I do not accept this consent, or if I later revoke it, the commencement, continuation, or quality of my treatment will not be affected, but my enrollment with the HSP delivered by HealthAware will be terminated.