Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. Nearly 78 million adults and 13 million children in our country deal with the health and emotional effects of obesity every day.
As our population ages, the prevalence of arthritis, osteoporosis, and related conditions are increasing at an alarming rate. Additionally, even an active lifestyle can lead to joint, back pain, or spine issues which may require surgical intervention. As knee and hip replacements become more common, providing access to these services becomes increasingly important for healthcare organizations.
Through HealthAware’s Orthopedic Risk Assessment program, our partner facilities provide community members with educational material that can help them take action to prevent the development of these conditions. The results of our risk assessments provide physicians the opportunity to treat the patient’s disease before a major event.
Our Orthopedic HRA program provides the following screening options that may be included in the offers and consultations that result from participation in any of our HRAs:
- Blood pressure
- Comprehensive personal history, specifically focused on pain and bariatric qualifications
- Educational classes
- Height
- Range of motion/mobility tests
- Waist circumference
- Weight
Our Orthopedic Health Risk Assessment Program includes:

An estimated 50 million U.S. adults (about one in five) report doctor-diagnosed arthritis. It’s our nation’s most common cause of disability with nearly 21 million U.S. adults reporting activity limitations due to arthritis each year. Arthritis does not only impact the elderly; nearly two-thirds of people with arthritis are younger than 65.
JointAware Risk Assessments focus on the following risk factors:
- Age
- Arthritis
- Difficulty performing activities of daily living
- High impact job/manual labor
- Obesity
- Pain, swelling or stiffness in joints (knee, hip, foot, shoulder, etc.)
- Strenuous physical activity

Spine Disorders are a real problem in the United States. Four out of five people in the U.S. will experience spine discomfort at some point in their lives – a staggering 208 million Americans. Spine issues are the second most common neurological ailment in the United States – only headache is more common.
SpineAware Risk Assessments focus on the following risk factors:
- Arthritis
- Description and cause of pain
- Manual labor
- Medication
- Obesity
- Pain, stiffness, swelling or aching in your back
- Past procedures
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking
- Strenuous sports
- Unexplained weight change

Estimates suggest roughly 85% of those seeking treatment for back pain have “non-specific” pain where the underlying disease or pathology remains unknown. Recent research on back pain disorders has demonstrated pain is more than just a “medical” problem – the overall experience of pain occurs at the intersection of the individual’s body, mind, and cultural background. BackPainAware assesses risk for a broad range of potential influences on back pain, including fears and anxieties about the pain, mood and motivation, and work situation.
BackPainAware Risk Assessments focus on the following risk factors:
- Biomedical
- Psychological
- Social
Participants are then stratified into Low, Medium or High Risk categories.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone becomes extremely fragile. Our bones are complex living tissues that can be weakened by poor diet and lack of exercise. As we age, bones begin to break down faster than new bones can be formed. Actions such as bending to pick up a magazine, lifting groceries, or even coughing can cause a fracture.
BoneHealthAware Risk Assessments focus on the following risk factors:
- Description of and cause of pain
- Diet and exercise
- Manual labor
- Medication and vitamin supplement intake
- Pain, stiffness, swelling or aching in your back
- Past procedures
- Physical inactivity
- Smoking
- Vertebral, hip and wrist fractures
- Unexplained weight change