Neck and back pain are common issues affecting a significant portion of the population. In the United States, nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain, and about 16 million adults (8% of all adults) experience persistent or chronic back pain, which limits their everyday activities.
Screening and early intervention for neck and back pain are essential to prevent the progression of these conditions and improve the quality of life for those affected. Proper posture, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and ergonomic adjustments in the workplace can help prevent and manage neck and back pain. It is crucial for individuals experiencing neck or back pain to consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.
This evidence-based assessment addresses spine function, pain severity, and other nerve-related symptoms. Quantifying symptoms can help motivate users to seek appropriate treatment in a timely manner.
Sample HRA (for Patients)
Note: not built yet. Try out a demo version of the “health quiz” your patients would see on your website.
Management Portal (for Marketers)
Our secret weapon. Where customization, integration, reporting, etc. happens. Must see!
More Helpful Resources
Clinical Review Document
A reference document of studies and source material this HRA uses to calculate risk.
Sample Report
An example PDF report a user receives upon completion for this HRA.
HRA Global Stats
A roll-up of stats from all HRAs from all clients in 2022.