Sometime at the beginning of year, Eruptr Holdings HRAs surpassed 2 million risk assessment completions – which is a HUGE deal! That means that the combined force of both HealthAware and Medicom Health HRA platforms delivered over 2 million hot leads for health systems and their service lines across the country. That also means that over 2 million users engaged with content and filled out/submitted assessments relevant to them. AMAZING. While it did take some time to get here, we’re on pace to easily add about half a million more HRA completions per year moving forward.
But wait – there’s more! In addition to completions, our technologies also delivered over 19 million HRA visits and 6 million HRA starts. Those metrics, when combined with one another, definitely offer competitive leverage and contribute to significant client ROI. All that said, its clear HRAs are a compelling tactic – combine them with top of the line digital strategy, and you are well on your way to successful service line growth.